The Car Property Niche

Natural niche markets are sometimes so obvious that it is hard to see them. In the real estate business the best niche markets are usually based on the utility of a building; the building type; and various target demographics of sellers and buyers such as age, disposable income, affluent and other criteria. Combine those elements, then hone in on the most cost effective, influential, targeted and easiest to use solution and you'll have a niche that you can associate yourself with and have success with in the process.

We have a niche market for you that meets all of those criteria and all you need to do is consider working in this niche. I'm referring to the "Car Property niche" that covers all three of the basic real estate agency areas of Residential, Commercial and Business Opportunities. The "Car Property niche" also goes further into certain types of buildings, business and leisure activities that are truly additional activities that agents can earn some money in.

The underlying property descriptors that make a property or a business a Car Property are descriptors like: Garage centric homes; Hard to find parking (especially in big city metros); Automotive use allowed; Indoor Vehicle Storage and Car Condominiums; Racing facitlities (private clubs and public tracks) that rent or sell garage space or home sites and homes that are trackside. These are some of the descriptors that help define what a Car Property is all about and they manifest themselves into different categories on

The Car Property niche market is one of the niche markets that is so obvious that it is hard to see unless you have others with a shared vision helping you see it and harness it. That's exactly what will do for you. If you acknowledge the fact that our large and growing ranks of members (including agents) are feeding the incredible growth and recognition that Car Properties are everywhere and that buyers and sellers want help with them, then you really must become one of the agents in our Agent Marketing Network.

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