Behrs Buildings for to Get Your Own Garage


Behrs Buildings specializes in custom steel structures that come in a variety of colors and sizes. Our extensive collection comprises premium-grade steel that is suitable for buildings such as carports, garages, enclosed storage spaces, sheds, and more. Behrs Buildings aims to deliver exceptional products and top-notch services to cater to your unique needs and preferences. We offer a rent-to-own option which is fast and convenient. If you are looking for a reliable agency distributing custom, high-quality steel structures, fill out the form to get in touch with our service team and we will get back to you shortly.

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Advertised by: Behrs Buildings (click here to see full profile)
Email: Email Advertiser

Ad Details

Garage Spaces (put 0 if this does not apply) 25.00
Price: $4,999 USD
Price Info Prices vary. Please contact us for more details and prices.




Address 17600 Lincoln Way E
City Dalton
State OH
Postal Code 44618
Country USA

Call Me!

Phone (877) 526-1849
Ad id: 96914706
Ad views: 518