carnut68's Profile

carnut68's Profile

Number of Posts - ADs: 1
Number of Items Sold: 1
Number of Post - AD Views: 14318
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Member (Advertiser): carnut68
Message me
Gender: Male
City: High Ridge
State or Province: Mo
Country: usa
Optional information about you (will show in your profile)
Buyer or Renter of Car Property: Yes
Car Collector and Enthusiast: Yes
Car Property Owner: Yes
Racing Fan: Yes
Age: 84
Members Description: I have been a carnut all my life. My Father was in the Auto Salvage business since the 30's and I took it over until I retired. Now I have the land and buildings for sale. I have 3 Hot Rods Muscle cars and a bunch of parts cars and I am always building something new. I also have a website that I sell automotive apparel and diecast models on.
Company Information
Company Name: Angeleen Graphics
Address: 4316 Jessica Dr
City: High Ridge
State: MO
Zip Code: 63049
Country: USA
Phone: 314-308-2180
Cell Phone: 314-308-2180
Category Title Location Pic.
SOLD Commercial RE on Licensed Salvage Scrap yard NY / Seneca Falls
No Image