Chicago O'Hare Airport, main parking garage


O'Hare's parking garage may not be the largest anymore, but it's certainly one of the oldest. The five-story garage was built in the early 1970s, preceding the mega-trend by decades. In fact, many of today's big parking garages are modeled after the O'Hare structure.

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Advertised by: Wendy Abrams (click here to see full profile)
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Ad Details

Garage Spaces (put 0 if this does not apply) 9266.00
Price: $30 USD
Property is Tickets to Park in a Lot or Garage
Type of Space Offered: Airport Parking
Business Name Chicago O'Hare Airport




Address 10000 West O'Hare
City Chicago
State IL
Postal Code 60666
Country USA

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Phone 773 686-2200
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