Chris Hill NJ car guy's Profile

Chris Hill NJ car guy's Profile

Number of Posts - ADs: 1
Number of Items Sold: 1
Number of Post - AD Views: 6786
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Member (Advertiser): Chris Hill NJ car guy
Message me
Gender: Male
City: Hamilton
State or Province: NJ
Country: U.S.A.
Car Collector and Enthusiast: Yes
Car Property Owner: Yes
Journalist/Blogger: Yes
Racing Fan: Yes
Real Estate Agents & Brokers: Yes
Unique Parking Places: Yes
Age: 64
Members Description: car enthusist my entire life,motorcycles too! Worked in bike/car business from 13 years old (belive it) until 27. have been full time realtor for over 20 years. love connecting car/bike/truck guys with that super special property. favorite cars I have owned would include: 69 Corvette 350/350, 1955 Chevy Belair Hardtop, 62 Corvette red roadster, etc. etc.
Company Information
Address: 2275 state hwy #33
Suite: 308
City: Hamilton
State: NJ
Zip Code: 08690
Country: USA
Certificates: Broker license state of NJ
Title: broker/sales associate
Phone: 609-587-9300 x 318
Cell Phone: 609-575-6323
Fax: 609-249-1917
Category Title Location Pic.
SOLD Houses on 8 car garage plus old Red Barn! NJ / Robbinsville
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