L.A. Metro Private GARAGE FOR RENT - 16 plus cars in this garage


For the serious Car Collector ! ! ! Vehicle Storage for 16+cars. Very private Residential Double-Gated Entrance 4,000ft² Garage with 3-roll up doors, 14ft-high ceilings with Energy Efficient skylights, 2nd-floor observation deck/loft office. Separate workshop room. If you need to store your luxury high-end vehicles- this garage is for you!! Garage has bathroom w/shower, kitchen, and washer/dryer- but this is not a house- just a Big Garage. Sorry, no commercial businesses allowed. There is also a 3,000ft² area outside the complex with room to store RV's. $6,500/PER MONTH

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Advertised by: jr310 (click here to see full profile)
Email: Email Advertiser

Ad Details

Garage Spaces (put 0 if this does not apply) 16.00
Price: $6,500 USD
Celebrity Owned No
City Los Angeles
State Calif
Postal Code 90230

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Phone 310-367-7706
Ad id: 87582596
Ad views: 13357