Advertising Price Information (Last updated: 03/18/2025)


We offer Category ADs, which are the most popular type of ads placed on Houses with Big Garages for Sale  is one of those categories.  

To place an ad Login to Your Account or use the Easy AD Order Form even if you don't have an account setup yet.


Category Ads offer these features:

  • Our Real Estate Categories, include: All Residential and Commercial property types that are either for Sale or for Rent.
  • Choose between a "Featured Ad" or a "Regular AD" and the # of Run Days:
  • Both type of ADs allow: 80 pictures (up to 10MB file size each); 5 document files (.PDF files up to 5MB file size each); and 2 digital movies (up to 1GB per video in file format: MP4)
  • Featured Ad's and Turbo Boosted Ads provide the highest level of exposure and can garner 5 to 10 times more ad views than a regular ad
  • Featured Ad's are rotated throughout the home page and are easier to locate than Regular Ad's.
Real Estate Category Ad Prices:

These are the prices are for all Real Estate Related Categories:

# Days Ad Runs

Featured Ad Price

Regular Ad Price

One-Time Ad Buy Option:

Until Sold 


Until Sold 


Subscription Ad Buy Options:    

20 FEATURED level ADS (with 2 Turbo Boosts)


- This plan allows 20 Featured Ads and it includes 2 Turbo Boost Options, which are either a Bold Title; or To The Top of All Lists.

- $225 per Month


- $480 per 90 Days (a 29% discount) and includes a 3 Day Free Trial Period


10 REGULAR level ADS


-This plan allows 10 Regular ADs have lower exposure on the site than Featured ADs.


- $99 per Month


- $250 per 90 Days (a 16% discount)

Turbo Boost Options for Subscription Plans:    
Bold Title - Turbo Boost - for Every Subscription AD You Post $89 per month  
To The Top of All Lists - for Every Subscription AD You Post $199 per month


Other Category Ad prices

The prices shown below are by category:

Classic and Collector Cars for Sale:


Zinga Garage Goods, Products and Services:

# Days Ad Runs

Featured Ad Price

Regular Ad Price

One-Time Ad Buy Option:

Until Sold (as long as it takes)



Subscription Ad Buy Options:

UNLIMITED Number of Regular level ADS - CARS FOR SALE


$99 per month


Articles & Stories

If you have articles or stories that you want to post on to link to items, sites or pages on other web sites, etc., then this is the category for you. This is great for PR reps and others to use to promote to our audience, members and visitors.


# Days Articles / Stories Run

Featured Price

Regular Price

One-Time Article Buy Option:


Until You Remove the Post:


Subscription Plans:    

These plan options include an UNLIMITED Number of Regular level Articles


- $99 per month


- $199 per 90 Days (a 33% discount)

Turbo Boost Options for your One-Time Ad Buy Category Ad:

Turbo Boost options are enhancements that you can add to make your AD more visible or "sticky" so that you get more views and responses to your AD.

Turbo Boost to Top of All Lists:

Each of these Turbo Boosts run for 30 days and costs $99

Turbo Boost with a Bold Title:

Each of these Turbo Boosts run "Until Sold" and costs $65

Turbo Boost with an Ad in our Regular Email Newsletters:

This is prominent placement in our regularly run email newsletters to our subscribers. This will be shared content with other information in these newsletters.

# of Days for Email Ads Run Price

30 $149

60 $298

90 $447

120 $596

150 $745

180 $894


Dedicated Email Blasts that feature just your property go out to our entire subscription list.

  • Contact us for pricing details: Text: 307-459-1895


Sponsorship AD Information

This is where you place highly visible branding, products, services, real estate, or any other type of product or service that you want to run on the home page and all of the pages on the site. These types of Ads are called Sponsorship Ads. These ad's are very visible to everyone who visits or uses the site.

Instructions for placing your ADs (please print this page if you need to)

How to place your Category AD

  • You don't have to be registered to place your first ad and the only required fields are the fields that have the asterisk* next to them.
  • Prices are not the same for each category, but ma
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