southfloridasbestproperties's Profile

southfloridasbestproperties's Profile

Number of items: 1
Number of items sold: 1
Number of ad hits: 4818
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Member (Advertiser): southfloridasbestproperties
Message me
Gender: Male
City: Fort Lauderdale
State or Province: FL
Country: Broward
Optional information about you (will show in your profile)
Buyer or Renter of Car Property: Yes
Car Collector and Enthusiast: Yes
Journalist/Blogger: Yes
Racing Fan: Yes
Real Estate Agents & Brokers: Yes
Age: 71
Members Description: Gary has been an associate with The Keyes Co. since 2001 and has been a Broward County resident since 1973. If you plan on selling or buying real estate in the South Florida area put Gary's local knowledge and experience to work for you. Member: Realtors Association Greater Fort Lauderdale Society of Commercial Realtors Government Affairs Commitee Florida Association of Realtors National Association of Realtors
Company Information
Company Name: The Keyes Co. / Realtors
Address: 1520 E. Sunrise Blvd.
City: Fort Lauderdale
State: FL
Zip Code: 33304
Country: USA
Title: Associate
Phone: 954 467 0105
Cell Phone: 954 253 8281
Fax: 954 467 2722
Category Title Location Pic.
RENTED Commercial RE on Fort Lauderdale / Office - Wareh... FL / Fort Lauderdale
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