Want a Custom Built BMW Z4-Z8 that Looks Better than the Original?


Oletha is the car we wish BMW had built – an uncompromised synthesis of BMW’s greatest design, engineering, and racing achievements. We preserve the foundations of German engineering and precision while infusing American ingenuity and passion. The result is a level of refinement and quality not possible in volume manufacturing or one-off fabrications. We created this vehicle to provoke a tactile, unfiltered, and challenging driving experience. This feeds the relentless human desire for control and mastery of the machine. Oletha is our love letter to the BMW of our childhoods.

The specifications below reflect our basic framework for each bespoke build. Individual commissions are built to client specifications. Choices of components, materials, colors, and textures allow clients to tailor the vehicle's demeanor, feel, and purpose to their desires. We welcome any special requests requiring additional design and engineering efforts.

Too see all of the cars specifications, go here:

- All images courtesy of Ted Seven Photography
- Article is a Reprint from SMIT VEHICLE ENGINEERING.

- Smit Vehicle Engineering (SVE) restores and modifies clients' licensed BMW® automobiles. SVE does not manufacture or sell automobiles. SVE is not sponsored, associated, approved, endorsed, nor, in any way, affiliated with BMW of North America, LLC, or Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (www.BMW.com). The BMW® name and Roundel are trademarks of Bayerische Motoren Werke AG. Any mention of trademarked names or other marks is for reference only.

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Garage Spaces (put 0 if this does not apply) 20.00
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Price Info Each car has it's own unique price depending on the build specifications you choose.


Website https://www.smitve.com/specifications
City Los Angeles
State CA
Country USA

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Phone inquiries@smitve.com
Fax Smit Vehicle Engineering (SVE) restores and modifies clients' licensed BMW® automobiles. SVE does not manufacture or sell automobiles. SVE is not sponsored, associated, approved, endorsed, nor, in any way, affiliated with BMW of North America, LLC, or Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (www.BMW.com). The BMW® name and Roundel are trademarks of Bayerische Motoren Werke AG. Any mention of trademarked names or other marks is for reference only.
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