Homes4CarGuys's Profile

Homes4CarGuys's Profile

Number of Posts - ADs: 1
Number of Items Sold: 1
Number of Post - AD Views: 1383
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Member (Advertiser): Homes4CarGuys
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Country: USA
State or Province: AZ
City: Scottsdale
Gender: Male
Real Estate Agents & Brokers: Yes
Racing Fan: Yes
Journalist/Blogger - Automotive: Yes
Car Collector and Enthusiast: Yes
Members Description: As a long time car guy, I understand how important lifestyle is to car people. When we look at homes, we take special note of the garage area. We wonder how this home will fit into our auto enthusiast lifestyle. Whether you are prepping your Ducati for a track day, cleaning your Daytona for a concourse event or simply having some friends over, I understand how important that space is to you. The garage is the part of the home that makes US smile just a little bigger, it’s our sandbox to play with our toys. I get it. This is about more than the space, it’s about the potential, the comfort and the workspace that a proper garage brings. Do these questions sound familiar? Will I be comfortable spending my free time tinkering on my toys in that garage? Is it climate controlled? Can I show my pride and joy properly in this area? These are just a few of the odd criteria that car people understand as important to us. Let me help you find a home that gives you that feeling when you walk in the door. The one that instantly lets you envision your life unfolding there. I utilize the latest technologies, market research and business strategies to exceed your expectations. More importantly, I listen and that means I find solutions that are tailored to you. I appreciate the opportunity to earn your business and look forward to sharing some car stories.
Company Information
Company Name: Russ Lyon Sotheby's International Realty
Phone: (610) 996-7771
Title: Agent / Partner
Country: USA
Zip Code: 85255
State: AZ
City: Scottsdale
Suite: 110
Address: 7669 E Pinnacle Peak Road
Cell Phone: (480) 442-1236

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85260 US/Arizona/Scottsdale Business Opportunities Yes

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Category Title Location Pic.
SOLD Houses on 3200sf showcase garage and 800sf... AZ / Scottsdale
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